How to create a profitable website and generate leads
Learn how to create a profitable website that can serve as a powerful tool to attract customers, generate leads, and increase revenue.
How to Sell Goods or Services to the Public Sector
Increase your customer base and increase revenue by learning how to successfully sell goods or services to the public sector with our expert advice.
Four issues key to social enterprise survival
Social enterprises face a unique and complex series of issues. To ensure the long-term health and survival of your social enterprise, an understanding of these issues is vital. In this article, I will summarise four key areas you need to consider: sources of funding, governance considerations, the power of people, and sustainable growth.
Peer to peer lending Q&A
Looking for an alternative route to financing your business? Peer to peer (P2P) lending is one of the options.
Horizon Scanning: Four questions social enterprises need to answer
With so much going on in the present, it’s not always easy to look to the future. However, the identification of potential risks and opportunities is vital to the long-term health of any business, and social enterprises are no different. Horizon scanning helps in assessing whether you are adequately prepared for future changes or threats.
How has the Growth Hub helped people do business?
At the York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub, we’re supporting businesses to start, grow and scale – find out how our programmes, partnerships and teams have helped.
Talking Net Zero: Why does the accuracy of words matter to your business?
Do you understand the key climate change terms every business should know? Get to grips with net zero terminology and learn how you can use it to your advantage with our free resources.
Inflation in the UK and 5 actions you can take now
Inflation at its simplest is the term used to describe rising prices. With costs continuing to increase at their fastest rate for 40 years, inflation in the UK is having a fundamental impact on businesses across the region.
The Benefits of Local Business Networking
Building relationships with other businesses through local business networking can be incredibly rewarding on a personal level as well as a shrewd business decision. Forging friendships with other people, many of whom may be facing similar challenges to you, can have some fantastic benefits that will enable you to grow your business – some of