Sustainability Made Simple: How Jack Colding Helps Businesses Save Money and Thrive

Hi! My name is Jack Colding, I’m the Growth Hub’s sustainability specialist. I’ve been working for the Growth Hub since September 2023, supporting businesses to reduce their carbon footprints as well as their costs. Before starting with the Growth Hub, I worked in transport and logistics, where I spent time implementing environmental management systems into warehouse and transport sites. Here’s some of the simple, sustainable ways I can help your business.

Saving you money

One of the many benefits of switching to working sustainably is that you can reduce your energy bills. I can help you make simple changes in your production line or working environment to become more financially stable and reinvest those savings back into your business.

Gaining a competitive advantage

Sustainability gives your business an opportunity to stand out from the rest, as customers continue to look for environmental credentials. I can help with getting your messaging right to help you make your offer more attractive to customers whilst staying in line with regulations.

Security and resilience

As the climate and the world continue to change, being able to adapt is crucial to short- and long-term success. I can help with simple carbon footprint benchmarking tools that allow you to get ahead and make decisions with long-term benefits for both your business and the planet. If you act now, you can get ahead of your competitors, as well as reducing your reliance on fossil fuels in the future.

Increased confidence

It isn’t always easy to understand what the most effective solution is to these problems. By understanding your business and your needs, I can help to simplify the complex and give you the confidence to make strategic, long-term decisions for your business. I can also help in supporting staff engagement to drive a culture of sustainability across the business.

What do you want to learn?

Meet Jack

Jack Colding is the Growth Hub’s specialist for Environment and Sustainability, working closely with businesses in North Yorkshire to reduce costs and stay ahead of new rules on net zero.

Jack’s background has given him insights into decarbonisation processes, and he is eager to help businesses reduce their energy and waste.

It isn’t always easy to understand what the most effective solution is to these problems. By understanding your business and your needs, I can help to simplify the complex and give you the confidence to make strategic, long-term decisions for your business as well as supporting staff engagement to drive a culture of sustainability across the business.