Tax and finance regulation
Where you’re a sole trader or a business with a number of employees, understanding and complying with the UK’s tax laws and regulations is essential for businesses of all sizes and structures. This section provides the information and guidance to give you an overview of what you need to be aware of, including PAYE, business advice from HMRC, submitting your tax return, and claiming expenses as a small business.
Learn about the regulations you need to follow
Pay as you earn, usually known as PAYE, is the easiest way for you to pay Income Tax and National Insurance contributions for your business.
Claiming expenses when running a small business from home
Let us help you get to grips with exactly what expenses you can claim when running your small business from home in York and North Yorkshire.
Legally, your business is going to have to deal with HMRC. It is known for handling taxes, but it also has a lot of really helpful business advice.
Advice for submitting your tax return
Businesses do not need to wait until the deadline to begin their tax return. Starting early means more time to get guidance to help complete the return.
How digital tax will benefit your business
You will probably have heard about digital tax but what does it actually mean for you and how will it benefit your business?
Free agricultural webinar: Preparing for change pt. 1
This free webinar with Agricultural Business Training (ABT) will help you understand how income could be affected by change, what opportunities lie ahead in the agricultural industry, and where you can gain further information and support.
Free webinar: Managing Cash Flow in a Crisis
The York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub have teamed up with the ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) to give practical advice about how you can manage you cash during this crisis, as well as put systems in place for the future.