Webinar Recording: Setting Your Social Media Objectives

As part of a six-part social media webinar series delivered by Caroline Wilson of Hot Toddi, this webinar looks at how setting objectives can support your business.

Setting your social media objectives

22 August

Are you looking for guidance for your business when it comes to social media? Feeling like you might be missing something or is there an easier way?

Then this webinar is here to help!

Setting your social media objectives

This session will look at:

Being confident that your content is reaching the right audience

What does success on social media look like for your business

Ensuring your social media strategy aligns with your marketing plan

Dates & Topics

This social media webinar is part of a six-part series, with dates and topics listed below. Feel free to sign up the whole series or just the topics that interest you most.

Other webinars in the series include: