Free webinar: Leader series – leading your team into recovery
This free one-hour webinar will help you plan your next steps for recovery including bringing back furloughed workers and developing new ways of working.
The last few weeks have proved highly challenging for business leaders. You may now be looking at planning your next steps as you move towards recovery.
To help you prepare, we have teamed up with Michelle Mook of Pro-Development (UK) Limited to deliver a series of free leadership webinars for businesses. Having worked with SMEs now for a number of years, Michelle has been supporting many businesses over the last few weeks as we have navigated through Covid-19.
During this series of one-hour webinars, Michelle will be taking us through ways in which we lead our people in these current times. She will provide insights into what engages a team and how to bring out the very best in each and every one of them to help individuals, teams and the business flourish.
The third in the series on ‘leading your team into recovery’ will give you:
- different areas to consider when bringing back furloughed workers
- ideas on finding new ways of working now and for the future
- advice on the emotional aspects of leading people through recovery and what people are looking for from leaders during this time.
- details of the different transition stages and how to address them.