Free webinar: Living, working and studying in the UK after Brexit

This free webinar with the Home Office provides details of the new immigration system post Brexit, what it means for your business and for those living, working and studying in the UK.

On the 1 January 2021, free movement ended, and the UK introduced a new points-based immigration system. This treats EU and non-EU citizens equally, and has transformed the way in which all migrants come to the UK to work and study. Anyone coming to the UK to work or study, excluding Irish citizens, will need to apply for permission in advance.

Please join York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub and officials from the Home Office’s Engagement and Policy teams for a webinar on the points-based immigration system and EU Settlement Scheme, and what they mean for your business. 

The one-hour session will cover: 

  • what you need to know about the EU Settlement Scheme                   
  • what the new system means for skilled workers
  • how to employ a worker through sponsorship
  • Right to Work checks
  • the resources available to you.

