York Retrofit Network

4 Sep 2024

Come and join the York Retrofit Network, which is part of a wider project supported by Innovate UK to create a Retrofit One-Stop-Shop for York. The meetings will occur every two months.

King’s Manor, Exhibition Square, York | 4 September, 12-2pm (Arrival from 11.45)

This is the third meeting of the York Retrofit Network, which is part of a wider project supported by Innovate UK to create a Retrofit One-Stop-Shop for York. The meetings will occur roughly every two months. 

The network is an opportunity to: 

  • Make connections with people who want to or already work in the retrofit industry in York 
  • Ask questions to industry experts 
  • Share challenges and barriers 
  • Learn more about local opportunities 
  • Learn more about specific topics such as skills, accreditation and procurement processes 

You don’t have to currently work in retrofit to come to the sessions and they’re open to anyone who is an installer, supplier, manufacturer or contractor that services York. 

The third meeting will focus on retrofitting heritage buildings and the barriers and solutions, as well as an opportunity to become part of the one-stop-shop, featuring:

  • Talks from Historic England, Mass Architecture and the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority 
  • Free lunch 
  • Networking time 
  • Opportunity to sign up to the Supplier Marketplace for the One-Stop-Shop 

Please contact lucy.allis@yorknorthyorks-ca.gov.uk if you have any questions, want more information, or can’t make this session but are interested in the network in the future. 


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Meet Jack

Jack Colding is the Growth Hub’s specialist for Environment and Sustainability, working closely with businesses in North Yorkshire to reduce costs and stay ahead of new rules on net zero.

Jack’s background has given him insights into decarbonisation processes, and he is eager to help businesses reduce their energy and waste.

Contact Jack today to find out how he can assist in accessing support, opening the door to opportunities for sustainability and growth.

Get in touch