Peer Support (repeat)

12 Mar 2025

Starting a social business can be a challenging and rewarding experience.

As part of our social enterprise support programme, we would love to invite you to join us to focus on peer support and peer learning – helping to build your confidence and resilience, as well as growing your network with other social entrepreneurs.

Stef and Dena are experienced facilitators who will be there to support you and your social enterprise. Spaces are limited so please do book on as soon as possible.

Social Vision has teamed up with Community First Yorkshire to offer micro-grants and a support package to people in North Yorkshire with a business idea that will make their community a better place to live, work or play. 

Grants of £500 are available to budding social entrepreneurs to test their idea or buy the tools they’ll need to launch their business. There will also be networking events, Action Learning Sets, and a package of support from Community First Yorkshire to set up and grow your idea. 

As part of this new programme, Community First Yorkshire will be running a range of start-up sessions, enterprise workshops and a mentoring programme. Taking place online and in-person, these free sessions aim to improve confidence, capacity and capability in starting up or growing a social enterprise in North Yorkshire. 

When and Where

When? Wednesday 12th March, 9.30am – 12:00pm

Where? Harrogate

Register now