The Export Support Roadshow in Scarborough
17 Oct 2024
Are you a business in North Yorkshire wanting to start exporting or find ways to grow your exports? The Export Support Roadshow can help you do that.

When: Thursday, 17th October, 8 AM – 11.30 AM
Where: Scarborough Rugby Club
Delivered in partnership by York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub, North Yorkshire Council and the Department for Business & Trade, this roadshow will introduce you to export experts who can share practical guidance.
Many businesses take benefit from support, hearing from those with lived experience, and from solid advice – for others this support is strengthened with access to funding in order to make their plans a reality.
During the roadshows we will explore a range of funding opportunities including a small Shared Prosperity Grant opportunity for those who are eligible – we have available Circa £100,000 to offer to a range of businesses on the cusp of making an international leap.
You’ll also get the chance to hear from other local businesses who’ve already started their exporting journey and achieved great results.
Tris Young, group business development manager at John King Chains, and Hannah Senior, director at PBS International will be at this event to talk about their journey as Northern Export Champions to support other businesses on their export journey.
This roadshow is a great opportunity to network with other businesses looking to grow and ask questions of the experts. It will provide you with helpful advice, routes for support beyond the event, including the UK Export Academy, and information about available funding opportunities.
What happens at the Roadshow?
Arrive at the venue for 08:00 to enjoy a breakfast bap and hot drink, ready for an 08:30 start.
Our expert talks and Q and A panel session will last until around 10:15 after which you are invited to stay for more refreshments and the chance to talk one-to-one with various export and business advisors until 11:30am.
Complete the registration form on this page and we’ll be in touch to confirm your attendance.
A full agenda will be shared nearer the time.
Please note, we expect to see high demand for this roadshow so please register early to avoid disappointment. We are running five Export Support Roadshows in Selby, Scarborough, Northallerton, Skipton and Harrogate. See the Growth Hub Events page for further details.
Register here
Go back to events.
About this support
This roadshow is delivered in partnership by the York and North Yorkshire Growth Hub, North Yorkshire Council, and Department for Business and Trade.
This is funded by North Yorkshire Council through the Shared Prosperity Fund. Therefore, only businesses located in North Yorkshire Council’s area are eligible to attend. Businesses within City of York Council are not eligible at this time. You can find information about support programmes available to York businesses here.
Find a list of business support programmes in York and North Yorkshire here.
For more information, please contact us by email