Radio show highlights Growth Hub support for rural business

The Growth Hub’s rural business specialist, Nick White, recently featured on a new radio show. He highlighted the support he provides to rural business in North Yorkshire.
How can the Growth Hub help farmers?
In an interview with Farming Outlook host Dougie Leake, Nick discussed support for rural businesses. This includes help to win funding, adapt to environmental challenges, and diversify for long-term success.
Speaking on the show, Nick said:
“Farming is enduring huge changes at the moment, from changes in the government’s subsidy system to the introduction of new requirements to reduce carbon emissions.
“Lots of farmers feel like they have two businesses to run, one on top of the other. There’s the immediate business of farming and producing food. Then there’s the secondary business of planning for a sustainable future.
“I want to provide farmers with the clarity they need to help them adapt to current financial and environmental challenges while maintaining a profitable and viable business.”
Diversifying on the farm
As well as exploring how a new generation of farmers are finding creative solutions to the challenges they face, Nick’s interview also covered farm diversification. This involves farmers branching out from their main agricultural activity into other sectors. These sectors include food and drink, retail, tourism and leisure.
According to Nick, the diversification trend shows no signs of stopping. A 2021 report showed that 43% of farms in England reported having a non-farming income stream. Nick noted that while farmers and their families are the real experts on about they can best diversify their income, the Growth Hub can help them turn their ideas into reality.
The importance of specialist support for rural business
Nick said: “It was great to speak to Farming Outlook to raise awareness of the support the Growth Hub offers to rural businesses.
“As someone with 30 years of experience as a farmer, and 20 years as a rural business consultant, I know that there’s a real need for specialist support which understands the unique challenges of doing business in a rural context.
“I’m here to help rural businesses tackle the financial and environmental challenges they face and build sustainable, resilient futures. I also work closely with my Growth Hub colleagues, who can offer one-to-one support on issues affecting your business, from cutting your energy bills to marketing your business online.
“If you need support with anything from navigating the complex world of government funding to getting your diversification project off the ground, drop me an email and I’ll be happy to help.”
Farming Outlook aims to raise awareness of innovative projects aiming to safeguard the future of food and farming in the region.
The radio project has been commissioned by Grow Yorkshire. It is funded by North Yorkshire Council through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
The interview took place at the Learning Through Land conference in Harrogate, which was sponsored by Grow Yorkshire.
Businesses can get in touch with Nick at
The show is currently airing every Sunday from 6-9 am and again from 7-10pm.
- Listen online at Farming Outlook,
- Ask your smart speaker to play ‘Farming Outlook’.
- Tune in to 97.4 and 105.5FM.
You can also catch-up with all the interviews broadcast so far on their Listen Again page.
Rural Business Support in North Yorkshire: How to Access Funding and Guidance
Rural businesses and farmers in North Yorkshire have access to a wealth of support and resources to help them thrive in a rapidly evolving industry.
Radio show highlights Growth Hub support for rural businesses
The Growth Hub’s rural business specialist, Nick White, recently featured on a new radio show. He highlighted the support he provides to rural businesses in North Yorkshire.